actually dah lme nk wat since i get result sem1..ari ni bru get strength to do that
time nk deactivate..QUESTION GIVEN
why u want to deactivate ur fb??
there are many reason there n i just choose its temporary.i will back
i will back to reactivate my page..this for a while..its really difficult to decide deactivate fb because it was the only way i can connect with my fren and get some information about them..
but WHY i still do that???
#a lot of time i waste when i open that..kalo bleh everyday rse nk bkak
#sometime time nk search internet about report or anything about study mesti nk bkak fb
so,there r no reason to open when dah deactive
#result teruk..nk think about STUDY..dlam otak ni within this 2 month
SO,hope ni the best way agar ak dpt jd someone y lbih baik ble ak dah hapuskan benda2 lagha ni..
#everybody has a past #everybody lives a present #everybody deserves a future #that was I and this is me this is my story..
Friday, January 14, 2011
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Hari ni first time nk tlis kt page sndri..huhuh.
.rse cam excited je nk mengarang..
Especially hri ini..PHY,CHEM,BIO N PHYSIC test dah abis..bru je first test tp gaya mcm dah abis final je
The whole day smlm..stu bku pun x usik+tgk roomate pn mcm tu..BEFORE this kalo tgk roomate bkak bku mmg sgt jealous..nsib baik roommate y mmg ske study..so ak pun dah jd mcm dia..tp mlm smlm tu mmg relieved sgt2..tido pn x igt dunia..
Tp ble fkir about result hanya ALLAH y tahu..byk dugaan ble dpt result ni.first,ble dpt result yg teruk nk hadapi tekanan perasaan ble member lain dpt result y super mmg ak lemah sgt2 bab perasaan mcm ni..mau lps dpt result bad mood sepanjang masa..hahaha..
aa..takutnye nk dpt result especially PHY..dah last sem fail both test..x kn this sem pun nk camtu gak
mmg x tercapai la cita2 ak kalo ak still mcm ni
ckp psl cita2..ak pn x tau nk jadi ap..tmbh lg dgn dilema result last sem y rsenye mmg x lyk think about cita2..abis tu degree nnti nk plih ap..tp UPU dah isi dah pun..medik of course the first choice,second pharmacy,third..dentist??hahaha..ntah la x minat la nk jaga gigi org ni..ak lebih ske nk bedah orang drpd nk bedah gigi..dilema.dilema..mcm mne ni..UPU dah tutup pn dia pnye due date
Adakah ak layak nak apply medic if result pn x seberapa..org y dpt 4.0 flat pn tkut nk apply medik
Ak ni y just dpt 3.** msih confident lagi nk put medik dlm UPU..ari tu cdg nk wat istikharah nk apply ap..tp entahlah..i still not get the right answer..
“To get into medical school in MALAYSIA at least u mesti get 4.00 CGPA final asasi in UITM.even u get 4.00 flat it doesnt mean u have to confident in ur stage.there are so many people get 4.00 in their foundation science”said one of the lecture in medical school UITM
So me,am i right to think about medic???????????
I want to be one of them..who know me pray for me that i will be one of them
Sdp x??nk pgill mcm
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