Tuesday, August 30, 2011

bersediakah diriku ini.......6.9.11

yeah..tjuk entry ni mmg plik but it was what i feel right now..if i'm ready to through it??6.9.2011(tarikh y akan bermulanya satu kehidupan baru bagiku)_
sebelum tu diri ini ingin mengucapkan buat pembaca setia blog ini

org sibuk bergembira di hari raya...tapi diriku tidak segembira itu
ye sy tkut..tkut sgt2 nk msuk degree.
tkut x dpt tempuh 5 thun ni dgn sebaiknya.,tkut x dpt cacth up pelajaran dgn sepantasnya..tkut x dpt jadi doktor yang baik (bcoz i'm lalai person)..tkut ssh nk catch up or kejar lecturer ngajar memandangkan hmpir 50% lecturer in uitm is foreigner(so 4me experience that i had through during premed...it was really2 difficult 2 understand their english. )dri vietnam la,,iraq la..arab la..ssh nk fhm accent english diorg.bru blaja kt Malaysia dh rse cmtu.blom lg smbg blaja kt overseas..tkut ap lg ek?tkut nk berhadapan dgn shbt2 medic y mostly is 4flat during their matriculation or asasians..of course la diorg ni sgt2 bijaksana dan mle la ak akn merasa ingin memencilkan diri kerana merasakan tidak sebagus diorg..tkut ada sikap mlu ingin bertanya soalan memandangkan perasaan merndah diri akn menjadikan diriku sebegitu rupa (+ i really feel inferior to speaking so i will silent eventhought i'm not understand)..tkut perasaan malas akn datang during my life as medical student (sikap ni mmg kne bwk jauh2 trus campak kt laut)..tkut nnti tiba2 rse jiwa x sesuai ngan medic n feel want to drop (even now pn ak rse camtu..even be a doctor was my ambition since i was child but now i just felt regret why i'm not choose pharmacy or chemical engineering ke becoz  i was really2 love chem even medic ada jugak chem tp medic more to bio)..kje pharmacist lg sng dri doc(huhuhu..perasaan ni mmg ak mhn agar dijauhkn sejauh-jauhnya)...tkut dgn life medical student n doctor y sibuk mgkin smpi x de mse tok family (kalo cmtu mmg ssh la kalo dh kwin nnti..haha..so i need to find my mr.right that was not a doc la kn..hehe)..terlalu byk sgt y diri ini takutkan...

.mggu dpn dah daftar dah.Alhamdulillah semua perkara y berkaitan dengan urusan pendaftaran mmg dah siap..cme diri ini je yang blom lg bersedia dari segi mental n fizikal
cdgnye cti sebulan ni nak gnekan mse sebaik-baiknya mencari ap y sbnrnya ak nak dalam hidup ni..but i'm not found the answer..i got confius from day to day.lack of confident if i can do it..ohhh very2 serabut tp x diluahkan pada mak ngan abah..sebab diorg sgt2 memberi harapan setingginya pada anak yang sulung ni untuk menjadi contoh pada adik2..bukan sahaja ibubapa tapi makcikpakcik "pecah tradisi family..x de spe lg amik medic ni tau ko je"..,sepupu-sepapat n x juga sahabat handai y dri dlu lg telah mendoakan ak untuk menjadi seorang doktor....................

why i choose medic??honestly i dont know the answer...
msih igt lg during premed..ni mmg regular question that asked by doc that conduct us..seriously i hate this question becoz i really dont know why i choose this field..when they ask..my answer is like this
"i want to be Obstesricts n Gynaecologist becoz i want to increase population of woman in this field"
"doctor is noble job"(this answer is regular answer
"saya nak jadi doctor muslimah y bukan saja pakar dalam ilmu perubatan tapi mempunyai ilmu y tinggi dlm bidang agama"
"i hve my own reason "hahaha..terdiam doc tu.tp this is not my answer la..my groupmate..he will give the same answer whwn doctor asking us..simple and short..xdela doc tu nk trus lbih tye or menjatuhkan semangat sbb dah terang2 ckp it was privacy answer only me and Allah knows
"i love study about human body..so medic is the right course 4 me"
"i want to help people n cure them"
"i choose this field becoz sake of my family n i hope can cure them when they're sick"
"gaji doctok byk"hehe..yeke??kalo keje kat hospital swasta btoi tp kalo kerjaan...tu i dont know.but what i know starting for HO is about 3K..but is it berbaloi dgn mse kerja y membebankan di hospitall.huh.x dpt nk bayangkan ( i know i really demand..i t was not good 4 me in future..y pnting rezeki y halal di jalan Allah..)
there was too many answer..some answer i create on my own and the answer is not same as deep in my heart..tp tok bg jwpn y terbaik pd doc2 y bertanya..ak mmg perlu jawapan y meyakinkan eventhough i confius why???why???why???i just found medic is intersting n byk tgk movie or drma that related with doctor's life..

tapi..y sebenar-benarnya dri hti ni..reason ak choose thi field becoz of my family..my grandmother..dye skit menghidap barah payudara..ble tgk dye tggung kesakitan mmg ak akn rse kn bgus kalo ak ada ilmu n blh tlg.mmg ak rse bersemangat nk blaja sgguh2 time tu sbb nk amik medic...tp arwah opah dah xde..dye meninggal time ak asasi dlu(tahun lepas)n ak mmg x sempat nak tgk or jaga dye.. berbakti buat kli terakhir.cme just sempat jaga sekejap time dye msuk ward kebetulan time tu cuti pertengahan sem..tp mmg terkilan sbb x dpt nk tgk arwah wat kli terakhir(menagis-nangis ak dlm train ketika otw nk blik kg ble mak call n ckp opah dah dikebumikan),xsempat nk cium dye wat kli terakhir..n dye x sempat n tgk ak jd doc..
sejak tu ak mmg ad skit pth semangat la nk amik medic..

n now ak mmg tgh cri jwpn sebnar-bnrnye..whether is it this field is really2 right 4 me..becoz now i just felt not deserve,,rmi lg org kat luar sana y layak.tp ak still kutkan hti kuatkan semangat y Allah sentiasa tahu apakah yang terbaik buat hambanya..mungkin ada hikmah y ak mmg x nmpk skang ni n ak akn nmpk di kemudian hri..Allah takkan bebankan seseorg tu di luar kemampuannya..ak sgt yakin dgn itu..y penting sekarang ni aku kne lakukan terbaik..beljar bersungguh2 dan selalu niatkan diri ini "ak amik medic sbb Allah"..insyaAllah semua akan berjalan lancar apabila kita niat lakukan sebab Allah..Allah sentiasa ada dan menolong hambanya yang berjuang di jalanNya..ak mmg tkut jika ak jadi doc y kurang ilmu agamaNya..ak mengharapkan ak bukan sahaja boleh merawt patient nnti tp dpt berdakwah....sbb sgt luas jln berdakwah apabila menjadi seorang doktor,,

ak jmpe kte2 ni dri blog seorang pelajar perubatan....
Kata-kata nasihat daripada Dr.Hamdi Mas’ud dalam kitabnya Daur at-Tobib al-Muslim fi nasyri Ta’alim al-Islam bermaksud:
“Adapun bagaimanakah cara untuk seseorang doktor itu membawa pesakitnya ke jalan menuju Allah ketika melaksanakan tugasan dirinya.. hendaklah berusaha dalam kadar waktu yang mengizinkan untuk memasukkan ke dalam benak fikiran dan hati pesakit akan kefahaman Islam yang sebenar… bertitik-tolak dari kefahaman Islam yang sebenar inilah, seseorang doktor itu mampu mendekatkan pesakitnya akan hakikat Tauhid dengan menyatakan bahawa segala perkara yang terjadi adalah di bawah kekuasaan Allah.”

akhir kata..buat y membaca..doakan saya dapat menjadi seorang pelajar perubatan yang berjaya dan tidak pernah kenal erti putus asa...:)i hope i really2 can do it..nk jd student y slalu dpt A*..amiin..insyaAllah

Thursday, August 25, 2011

....i have a dream...

I have a dream,
Even if I’m thrown away or ripped to shreds
Deep in my heart I have a dream as precious as gem
If by chance, without a reason,
Somebody ridicules me behind my back
I should be patient I would wait just for that day.
As you always worry, You say that foolish dreams are poisonous.
Just like a book that tells us about the end of the world
There’s the reality that we can’t turn back already

Yes I have a dream.
I believe in that dream
Please watch over me
Standing in front of that cold wall called fate
I can firmly face it
One day I will pass over that wall And be able to fly As high as the sky
This heavy thing called life can’t tie me down
At the end of my life,
on the other day that I can smile, let’s be together

Yes I have a dream. I believe in that dream
Please watch over me
Standing in front of that cold wall called fate
I can firmly face it
One day I will pass over that wall And be able to fly As high as the sky
This heavy thing called life can’t tie me down
At the end of my life, on the other day that I can smile, let’s be together

Yes I, I have a dream I believe in that dream.
Please watch over me
Standing in front of that cold wall called fate.
I can firmly face it One day I will pass over that wall And be able to fly As high as the sky
This heavy thing called life can’t tie me down
At the end of my life, on the other day that I can smile, let’s be together

langkahku yang masih belum pasti.......


Semalam aku kelukaan,
kecewa kehampaan,
mencalar ketabahan,
mimpi yang sering ku harapkan,
menjadi kenyataan,
namun tak kesampaian.

Inginku hentikan langkah ini,
bagaikan tak mampu untuk ku bertahan,
semangat tenggelam,
lemah daya,
haruskah aku mengalah,
namun jiwaku berbisik,
inilah dugaan.

Dan langkahku kini terbuka,
pada hikmah dugaan,
uji keimanan (menguji keimanan),
tak dilontarkanNya ujian,
di luar kekuatan,
setiap diri insan.

Pimpinlah diriku,
tuk bangkit semula,
meneruskan langkah,
perjuangan ini,
cekalkan hati dan semangatku,
kurniakan ketabahan, agar mimpi jadi nyata,
padaMu ku meminta.

Daku mohon agung kudratMu,
wahai Tuhan yang satu,
segalanya dariMu.

jauhkan aku dari kekeliruan..
ku mengharapkan ini adalah terbaik buatku
sesungguhnya aku ingin sentiasa berada di jalan keredhaanmu Ya Allah

dream high

song from korean drama OST dream high
i love this song very much 
very inspiring lyrics

I dream high I dream a dream
When it's tough, I close my eyes and
The moment my dream comes true
continue to recall and get up
at the end of fear today too I tremble
Like a baby bird, would it fall, unable to fly
repeatedly I can do it, can my dream come true
every time I'm fearful, my belief walking step by step again

I dream high I dream a dream
When it's tough, I close my eyes and
The moment my dream comes true
continue to recall and get up

I believe I can fly high
one day me above the sky
wings stretched out, more free than anyone else
flying rising high
I need bravery to overcome
firstly pick myself up rise again and dare to run
once again believe in me and my destiny

climb over every wall taller than me
I dream high I dream a dream
When it's tough, I close my eyes and
The moment my dream comes true
continue to recall and get up
I believe I can fly high

one day me above the sky
wings stretched out, more free than anyone else
flying rising high
Dream high a chance to fly high
Now bye bye to all that hurts

try flying high like the stars in the sky
your dream will unfold
starting from now
don't be afraid of the future made by your hands
now walk totally confident

unstoppable destiny is destiny
now we soar up high
for you, this whole new fantasy
so from now, take my hand here
from now on, our aim
one dream and not give up
youthful passion all here dream high

I dream high I dream a dream
When it's tough, I close my eyes and
The moment my dream comes true
continue to recall and get up

I believe I can fly high
one day me above the sky
wings stretched out, more free than anyone else
flying rising high

enjoy this song........

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

happy :)want to smile.....

it was nice day that i never had..
crediitt to  u..

Monday, August 22, 2011

me n Pizza HUt ♥♥

tbe2 rndu ngan pizza hut ble tgk piza..haha.byk memori kot kt sne n byk bnde y blaja sepanjang keje selama 2 bln setengah kalau dikirakn..sbb ad cti sebulan
keje kt piza hut ni was my second time keje part time during holiday..becoz i'm not that kind of people y ske dok rmh tanpa ada duit..no money no talks..walaupun hanya seberapa la dpt time keje di sini..tp bgku duit x bermakna tapi pengalaman tu yang lebih mengajar erti hidup sebenarnye..bru lah belaja betapa susahnya mak ayah kita nak cari duit..berhadapan ngan majikan..kena marah..nak bekerjasama ngan rakan2 kerja y x satu kepala la..mmg sgt2 ssh..hehe
bg ak keje kat piza hut lagi ssh dri keje kat kedai tudung nak promote tudung

pic ni time bekerja :p
kenapakah ak merasakan sgt sukar untuk bekerja di pizza hut???hehehe
ak bekerja sebagai service staf..sbb mmg mintak keje camni pun.xkan nk mintak keje kitchen kot..kalo keje kitchen mau hangus nnti sume benda ak masak sebab x rti sgt bab masak2 ni..kalo mintak jadi rider pulak,,hmm ak sgt2 fail jln kt ipoh ni..silap2 mmg customer x dpt order la dpt pekerja mcm ak ni
so akhirnya jadila ak bdk service,,sbbnya ak ske sgt nk ckp ngan org.jmpe ngan org dan beramah mesra..
sje ingin tingkatkn communication skill
first time keje,,perkara y wat ak mls nk teruskan kerja adalah ak kne hafal ni 10  m0ments of truth  ap tu 10 moments tu..haha..pelajaran tambahan ketika cuti ni..hafal sgt sng tp nak practic je ssh
ni la dia 10 moments tu
1o m0ments truth
  1. greeting.......hi sir!!!(dgn senyuman pnjg melebar)Welcome to Pizza Hut!Having here or take away??how many person??
  2. seating.....ini promosi terbaharu ni(nk kne promote piza bru..hehe)
  3. taking order..hi i'm...cik nk wat pesanan..wow pilihan yg baik.(ayt y mnis)cik nk try ni(kne suggest 3 bnde)y pling pnting wjib promote extra cheese la..haha
  4. serving drinks..
  5. serving starter....mcm garlic breadstick ke..mushroom soup ke
  6. serving main course..piza la y pastinya
  7. follow up..kne wat 2 kli kalo ikt procedure..tp kalo ak bnde ni y pling mls nk wat sbb kne jmpe blik customer tu.nk tye dah dpt order sume ke blom??y pling ak mls nk follow up customer y dtg couple la..tkut kacau diorg
  8. offer dessert
  9. deliver dessert n offer bil
  10. clearing dessert,taking paymeny n thanking..THANK YOU.COME AGAIN :)
tu la dia bnde y kne hafal+practic kn time nk serve customer..sgt penting tu bnde ni sume sbb
dalam byk2 customer tu ada CMS(MYSTERY CUSTOMER) y akan nilai kita n bg mark berdasarkan 10 moment tu..so every customer kne layan ikut procedure 10 moments tu la..tp first time ak keje lyn customer mmg mcm amik order kt kedai mamak tu..haha..dah staf lain wat camtu.ak pun ikut la
sekali bru 2 minggu kerja nme ak y naik u bdk service bg CMS..dpt 32 je.huhu..time tu mmg rse nk resign la..sgt2 sedih..markah y ak dapat tu seperti terlalu teruk ak layan customer ni.padahal ak adalah pling rjin senyum kat customer tau n dgn lemah lembut nye ak bercakap time amik order..
tp ak ckup bernasib baik la sbb RM(restoran manager) time tu x ckp ap2 pn..diam je n x jmpe ak pun..tggu gak la dye nk mrh.tp xde pn..tp sgt2 terasa ble dye bg ak hours skit ..kdg2 tu 5 jam je keje..skit la gji ak cmtu kn..tp sebenarnye dia mahu medenda tu.ish x patut btoi smpi cut hours..hehehe..dah berlalu pun

kne smile sentiasa :)

nak kata banyak gak la stress time keje..especially bila berhadapan ngan customer y bermacam ragam(cina la terutamanya) ..kena marah pun pernah..pernah skali tu mmg rse nak ngis sbb kene dgr customer tu membebel kat ak lbih krg setengah jam la kot..akhir skali sir srh ak mintak maaf padahal slh customer tu(xnk gak mengaku slh sndri) lps tu dgn mke hipokritnye ak pn prgi la memintak maaf..huhu.tp bgus jgak adapt bnde ni awl2..nnti dah keje doc,,lg la kne mrh ngan patients
tp apa2 pun y pling penting kawan sekerja y sgt best.especially bdk kitchen..x lpe jgak rider y slalu bantu time busy...membantu bila susah.yela kita kena la bekerjasama kan nak bagi restoran maju..tp sgt letih la keje kat piza especially ble keje malam n jaga bar(tempat buat dessert ngan drink) sbb kne washing bar +pinggan y byk..mmg x hairan la kalo berat ak turun mendadak time keje..sbb selalu sgt dapat shift malam..smpi skit2 pinggang dibuatnya

table ni..mmg slalu jd port lepak

tu dia rider kita..haha
saat ini,mmg sgt merindui life kat piza hut..resign terlalu awl dah menyesal..y tggal kenangan hanya ni je

ni je y sir bg wat kenangan..bju dah pulang sbb nk claim rm50 pnye psl..hehe

thanks bcoz korg dah cheering my life..mmg rndu la usikan kt piza hut n piza free..nsib baik sempat merasa ramadhan fizz..kalo x kempunan gakk.. i love u all..nnti kalo cti insyaALLAH sye keje blik...

Friday, August 19, 2011


nak berangan sekejap
kalau la my life mcm dalam novel 5thn 5bln
dapat jadi mcm ana n dapat bf mcm along y merangkap seperti abang
dlu2 pernah berangan nak cri husband engineer..haha
sgt jauh berangan
sbb bce novel ni la dgn novel Aa+Bb

doctor+engineer = couple y so sweet
sbb bleh share bnda y opposite
tu fkir sbb pengaruh novel punya pasal la
tp both novel ni mmg best
HLOVATE mmg awesome
tp sy mmg nak lki mcm benz aliff..hahahaha
sudah2..stop2 merepek
mengisi masa cti ni y x wat ap2 kn...................

sekarang ni dalam proses nak abiskan stu lg novel hlovate(contengan jalanan)

Thursday, August 18, 2011

i'm happy

i just hope i can smile evrytime frow nowon

Saturday, August 13, 2011



u never understand me..what i feel..why i meet u
i just regret what was happen
when i came back becoz of u
i came back
u give me hope n because of that i choose to came back
i want to meet u everyday
work with u everyday
it so sweet when u help me when i was in difficult situation
but it was really hurting me
when i know u lie to me
n u never explain to me what was happen
u just ignore like i doesnt hav feeling towards u
so i decide to forget everything
i dont want to meet u again
no no no no no no
hope we will never meet again
because everytime i meet u ,it hurt my heart
i want to cry but i cant
i dont want to show my weakness in front of jerk men like u
i hate u..hate..hate
please!!!i really3 want to forget u

Friday, August 12, 2011

hi...i'm back

sekian lama dah x update blog..blog ni pun rsenya mcm dah x wujud je.
bukan kemalasan nak update blog.tp lps abis asasi ari tu..mcm2 bnda wat smpi nk update pun mmg mls
ni skang dah jadi penganggur yang berjaya..boring2 dok rumah,ap salah sekali sekala buang habuk2 kat blog ni..haha..sekarang dok umah mmg x wat ap la.just on9 facebook+bace novel+stalk blog org+berangan
mmg teruk kn aktiviti cti sy.pepon cti msih pnjg lagi b4 msuk belaja
byk benda nak cite kat blog ni selama lebih kurang 4 bln kot tinggalkan blog ni..mmg bermacam-macam yang saya dapat time cuti ni.hehe..ada pahit,manis,masin sume ada la..bak kata emak bleh masak ikan masak tiga rasa..

                                               saya lah tu salah seorang darinya.:p