Saturday, October 29, 2011

galeri Qaseh

nak promote tudung the latest
kunjungi la website ni
tempat lme sy bekerja dlu

byk2 tudung cantik2 plus with latest shawl
harga pn sgt murah n berpatutan
xyah ssh2 nk cri dkt Ariani ke
Qaseh pnye tdg pn ok ap
kain kualiti
kalo nk pergi kat galeri ni ad dkt Ipoh..belakang GM
mmg sgt cntik galeri ni....

selamat berkunjung :)

Sunday, October 23, 2011

doctor'S on call

npe tjuk cmtu ye??becoz this week our fac wat prog smart life campaign..
one of the program is "doctor on call" n another is talk "how to become good medical student" first should be Prof Dr. Muhaya will be give talk.
.but last2 tkr ngan Dr.Nawar..tpi this doctor pun best

i what to share something what i got from talk today with Dr.Mohammad Nawar
he's orthopaedic and top 10 malaysian astronaut..
he also the youngest doctor that  become orthopaedic surgeon at age 30..
now hes 35...really amazing..maybe he was brilliant student
he's really inspiring person
secret of his success is...dont just be recipient but u can give to others
try to teach others  ..n it will make u more understanding when u try to make other people understand
once we want to teach others..we will learn it
theres a lot i got from him
he love to dream and try to chase the dream
everything that he want start from dreaming
even to buy VOLVO..he started to dream to have it since medical student life
everytime..he saw VOLVO..he will said..i will drive that car one day
n now he have VOLVO...
but as what he said everything that he have today..with income 35k per month
 and be orthopaedic surgeon..theres a lot sacrifice that hes done

during medical student life,during third year..which is clinical year
he enter OT(operation theather) room..y mne time 2 pada kebiasaanya.medical student not be allowed yet to enter OT..and specialist in OT room give him permission to felt the patient's bru third year..he hve done it..enter OT n tgk cmne operation be done..i want to be like him..insyaAllah

but one interesting story is in love pun we have to be determination person
as what he said...u hve to hve someone that u aim to be husband or ur wife in future silent no comment about this
if during housemanship u dont hve will become problem..worries me..probably yes
maybe u will end-up...but jodoh tu di tangan Allah

i love  how hes conduct her life.h really determination..who said doctor no life..n medical student is around the book only
but he prove it..he enjoy work as doctor..n he also join many community work
i always remember what he said that
from hes experience...good doctor is not come from student that got A* in exam..n all A
but mostly among B+ student and C..which is average i want to be y average to
because career doctor,,,we're conduct with people..and for doctor communication skill is really need to know how to approach patient not only just prescribed medicine..

 menjadi pelajar perubatan bukanlah satu kebanggan tapi satu tanggunggjawab
kalau time blaja msti fkir..kesian nnti kat my patient if dpt doctor mcm i y x ckup ilmu
now im started to strive for excellence..
bersemangat tok GM 2...

Saturday, October 22, 2011

new kid

comey x kcing ank kucing bru kt my home .ank omei..blom jmpe lg..x sbr nk blik ryer nk jmpe :)

ni bapak dye "omei sayang"muah3x...rndu sme dye....agak kerinduan tok bercakap ngan kcing..since kt sni..mmg ssh nk jmpe mcm Omei...

my sweetheart

Saturday, October 8, 2011

rumahku syurgaku

family y sgt2 happening..i miss this big family

anak buah ngan cousin..mle2 ok je

pastu tbe2....huahuahua....

malam dinner stu family..memeriahkan teratak Nga Esah yang sekian lame sunyi

selagi ada ruang dan waktu...
b4 sume orang sibuk..