Saturday, November 19, 2011


what you do when u miss someone

 try forget the feeling
wait untill he/her to contact you
look him/her profile on fb
just post on his/her wall and said "i miss you"
did you want to do this as above..when someone else also do the same thing


pray to Allah.
" Ya Allah jika dia adalah jodohku, dekatkanlah hatiku dengannya.Jika dia bukan jodohku jauhkanlah hatinya dari hatiku. Kurangkanlah rasa rinduku padaNya agar rinduku padanya tidak melebihi rinduku padaMu"
insyaAllah hati akan tenang.........

Sunday, November 13, 2011


first skali thanks k.ecah ahmad for tagging me
mcm fun je bnde ni..hehe

rules tagging-tangging ni :)
each person must post 11 things about yourself
- answer the questions the tagger set 4 u in their post & create 11 new questions for the people u tagged the answer
- choose 11 people to tag the post & link them the post
- go to their page & tell them u hav tagged her/him
- no tags back

now, first kne ckp about myself..

~i'm girl~
~i'm first year medical student uitm~
~orang perak~
~ske tgk drama korea..english movie.~
~ske dgr lagu kuat2 time blaja..~
~suke  bace sume novel HLOVATE(konon peminat setia la ni)kalo boleh ulang byk kali baca pn x pe.hehe~
~ suka melancong + jln2 shopping(especially time sale,,tp kebiasaannya end up dgn x bli ap2)~
~single but not
~now sy sgt pemalas..huhu~
~sy rse mcm nk tido je skang...hehe~

soklan dr k.ecah
nk kawin umur berapa?
haha..maybe 26++..kalo boleh time end of jd HO kalo jodoh smpi cpt pun x kisah

baju kawin nk warna ape?
merah kot...

hantaran nk berapa dulang?
k..soklan ni mcm xtau nk jwb..

ciri2 lelaki pilihan?
wow..ini byk ni..hehe
first mestilah ada pegangan agama y kuat
pandai msk..hehe
tinggi dr sy...
pandai math..haha..syrt y agak pelik ni
tu je kot..y len tu biarlah rahsia

pilih satu je eh, antara 'laki hensem' ke 'laki kaya'? kenapa?
kalo nk dua2 bleh x..hehe..lki kaya kot,,boleh kikis duit dia byk2..hehe*main-main je ek*,,sbb nnti laki handsome msti byk pompuan,,lg susah..

org yg paling dibenci?
hehe..ssh nk benci org..x tau la..

boleh tak hidop kalau takde laptop?
of course x..dah mcm nyawa je..x bleh berpisah

nak rumah yg mcm mana?describe siket
rmh y dlmnye ada kolam renang..hehe..pastu kat ats bukit

kereta idaman awak?
suzuki swift colour merah...hope to get it after graduate..nk post gmbr tp internet slow..x dptla tgk keta idaman sy..hehe

kalau diberi peluang utk balik ke zaman silam,apa yg awk nk ubah?
nk dok SPM blik..blaja sume subjek dpt A+..pastu nk smbg blaja gi overseas amik pharmacy..hehe..
kalau la.....

sepatah dua kata utk k.ecah ? 
blog akak sgt ske bkak..hope can see u soon kat fac..smpi skang kt blom lg bertegur sapa..hehe

the ends tagging-tangging..bcoz mls nk tag sy pn x wat la..hehehehe

Saturday, November 5, 2011

emosi ;(

touching dgr lgu ni
wanna cry...huhuhu

kalo x fhm cri kt youtube...

Saturday, October 29, 2011

galeri Qaseh

nak promote tudung the latest
kunjungi la website ni
tempat lme sy bekerja dlu

byk2 tudung cantik2 plus with latest shawl
harga pn sgt murah n berpatutan
xyah ssh2 nk cri dkt Ariani ke
Qaseh pnye tdg pn ok ap
kain kualiti
kalo nk pergi kat galeri ni ad dkt Ipoh..belakang GM
mmg sgt cntik galeri ni....

selamat berkunjung :)

Sunday, October 23, 2011

doctor'S on call

npe tjuk cmtu ye??becoz this week our fac wat prog smart life campaign..
one of the program is "doctor on call" n another is talk "how to become good medical student" first should be Prof Dr. Muhaya will be give talk.
.but last2 tkr ngan Dr.Nawar..tpi this doctor pun best

i what to share something what i got from talk today with Dr.Mohammad Nawar
he's orthopaedic and top 10 malaysian astronaut..
he also the youngest doctor that  become orthopaedic surgeon at age 30..
now hes 35...really amazing..maybe he was brilliant student
he's really inspiring person
secret of his success is...dont just be recipient but u can give to others
try to teach others  ..n it will make u more understanding when u try to make other people understand
once we want to teach others..we will learn it
theres a lot i got from him
he love to dream and try to chase the dream
everything that he want start from dreaming
even to buy VOLVO..he started to dream to have it since medical student life
everytime..he saw VOLVO..he will said..i will drive that car one day
n now he have VOLVO...
but as what he said everything that he have today..with income 35k per month
 and be orthopaedic surgeon..theres a lot sacrifice that hes done

during medical student life,during third year..which is clinical year
he enter OT(operation theather) room..y mne time 2 pada kebiasaanya.medical student not be allowed yet to enter OT..and specialist in OT room give him permission to felt the patient's bru third year..he hve done it..enter OT n tgk cmne operation be done..i want to be like him..insyaAllah

but one interesting story is in love pun we have to be determination person
as what he said...u hve to hve someone that u aim to be husband or ur wife in future silent no comment about this
if during housemanship u dont hve will become problem..worries me..probably yes
maybe u will end-up...but jodoh tu di tangan Allah

i love  how hes conduct her life.h really determination..who said doctor no life..n medical student is around the book only
but he prove it..he enjoy work as doctor..n he also join many community work
i always remember what he said that
from hes experience...good doctor is not come from student that got A* in exam..n all A
but mostly among B+ student and C..which is average i want to be y average to
because career doctor,,,we're conduct with people..and for doctor communication skill is really need to know how to approach patient not only just prescribed medicine..

 menjadi pelajar perubatan bukanlah satu kebanggan tapi satu tanggunggjawab
kalau time blaja msti fkir..kesian nnti kat my patient if dpt doctor mcm i y x ckup ilmu
now im started to strive for excellence..
bersemangat tok GM 2...

Saturday, October 22, 2011

new kid

comey x kcing ank kucing bru kt my home .ank omei..blom jmpe lg..x sbr nk blik ryer nk jmpe :)

ni bapak dye "omei sayang"muah3x...rndu sme dye....agak kerinduan tok bercakap ngan kcing..since kt sni..mmg ssh nk jmpe mcm Omei...

my sweetheart

Saturday, October 8, 2011

rumahku syurgaku

family y sgt2 happening..i miss this big family

anak buah ngan cousin..mle2 ok je

pastu tbe2....huahuahua....

malam dinner stu family..memeriahkan teratak Nga Esah yang sekian lame sunyi

selagi ada ruang dan waktu...
b4 sume orang sibuk..

Saturday, September 24, 2011

dont know what to say

walau susah macam mana pun belajar..walau susah macam mana pun nak faham ap yang lecturer ajar
walau susah nak faham apa yang kita baca even one page pun
walau orang lain lebih cepat faham dari kita sendiri..jangan sesekali ada rasa dengki dalam diri ini
Allah sentiasa bersama hambanya yang bersabar dan berjuang mencari ilmu
belajar kerana Allah..insyaAllah ilmu itu akan kekal selama-lamanya even sampai ke liang lahad
even i have to paid with not enough sleep 
i have to be patient :)

i found this give me strong to go on with my life

"As a Believer you should regard every minute spent on studying as a good deed and hope that Allah will bless you.So,even if you do not understand something and it takes you longer to read, you will go on learning as you know that every minute and effort that you put in will be regarded as a good deed and virtue by Allah, and the kindness will rewarded in some other forms such as good health.It important to be sincere in whatever you do" -from Prof Dr. Muhaya Book

Friday, September 16, 2011


hoho..lately i was not in well tp gagahkn gak hari ni melawat syarikat buku KAMAL..mula2 memang cadang nak melawat tgk2 bli gak bku akhirnya
kedai ni mmg nmpk mcm kdai runcit,,tp jgn men2 ap y dia jual..hehe ;)

first time datang kat sini memang sesat..habis berpusing-pusing kat HKL tu nk cri kt mne kdai bku tu
rupanya dekat main entrance HKL..sng je bleh nampak
nasib baik bukak..i thought tutup sbb hri ni kan Malaysian Days
nasib baik ada mak ngan abah yang baik sgt2..sdi membawa anknye ni kesini
dah la penat..sebab kitaorg park kereta sgt2 jauh dri kedai bku ni
penat jln x kisah kesian kat mak ngan abah..bukan diorang yang nak beli ak..huhu.
terharu sgt2..
nk ckp byk bku y dibeli hnye 2 buah shje to subjek pathologist(robbins papa) n anatomy (moore)
bleh je nk bli through senior y nk ak plih skit je bku..sbb nk tgk sndri bku tu camne
ssh la nk pilih buku..sbb x study lagi n x tau buku mne y kt ske bce
buku medic bkn mrh.. ad stu bku tu smpi rm300 lbih..huhu
tapi ap y i was learn today..
mak ngan abah sggup buat ap2 aje u ank dye..especially when it abouts education
x kisah la duit habis byk mne pun..asalkan ank dia berjaya-my father
"abah sanggup cri duit smpi malam..ltih..asal korang belaja"
im going to crying..sob3..mmg x terluah sedehnye
ibu bapa boleh membesarkan anaknya 5 orang walaupun hidup dalam kemiskinan
tapi belum tentu seorang anak boleh jaga kedua-dua ibubapanya bila berjaya nnti
seorang ibu sanggup berjaga malam untuk beri anaknya susu
tapi belum tentu seorang anak sanggup meninggalkan kerjanya bila ibunya sgt memerlukannya

ble fikir balik pengorbanan yang diorang lakukan u kami adik beradik
i cannot describe it in words

i love u abah ngan emak so much
pray 4 my success..

insyaALLAH..along akan cbe y terbaik dan jadi contoh pada adik2...

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Monday, September 12, 2011 ad gak..first day jd medical student
one of the lecturer said to me "bru masuk boleh la ketawa..lepas tu...."menangis la kot..huhu
terdiam pun ada..x tau nak ckp ap
but im nervous..but at the same time i have the passion to study
ble tgk buku2 medic..rse sgt bersemangat...
but when tgk module guide y bru dpt
im asking myself..can i??
byk nye..we need to cover all the short time
and we have only a few days holiday whether mid sem or holiday sem
really2 hectic life
now i just want positive word from senior or doctors
im tired hear negative word
"once u enter medical..u hve to ready to be busy person "
im scared hear this word and i dont know why
n our schedule from 8.ooa.m -5.oo pm..weekdays 
nasib baik first week x start lecturer lg..just introduction to medicine
about buku lg pening..byk sgt2..n tebal2..
im think im lucky bcoz have JPA scholar
kalo tidak hbis duit mak bapak semata-mata nk hntr ank dye jadi doc
jadi ingatlah
berbakti pada bangsa
belajar smpi habis 5 thun...smpi jadi specialist..insyaALLAH

Sunday, September 11, 2011


p/s : susahnya nak berubah bila iman x teguh...

Monday, September 5, 2011


today is really tiring...n i hope tomorrow i can sleep more.hehe
padahal cti ni pnye la byk tido..bleh hope lagi sok nk tido byk
penat sgt2..sbb print rosak nak settle kn borang JPA kalo bleh hari ni
mmg rse bad mood stu bdn sbb last minute pnye kje..bru nk relax kn otak ari ni b4 sok
tiba2 ada benda kena settle kn..inilah cabaran hidup..hehe

what i hope tomorrow??
dapat roomate best..dpt blik best mcm kat PALAM
wonder gak mcm mne agknye kolej delima 2 (y bkl diduduki pada sok hari)
dapat group best..4 class nnti
tp perasaan cuak xdela sgt sbb rmi gak bdk y dah knl n majoritinya kenal time premed
n from group kt FB(actually fb ni sgt byk membantu tok connect ngan kwn2)
tq pada admin MBBS UITM 9TH BATCH y tlh mewujudkn group ni
seriously byk membantu dptkn information tok msk degree
x lpe juga pada senior y byk share information

im nervous nak msk study blik.
yela dah lme tinggal budaya bukak buku...buat nota..
otak pun agaknya dah tepu
kalo tiba2 org tye psl ap y prnh blaja time asasi dlu
honestly x igt..mgkin blur je nnti
akhir2 ni mmg kerap kli wat post rse x mampu nak wat medic
thats why i feel now,,even sok nak daftar
kena doa byk2 ..agar dicekalkan hti
ada hikmah disebaliknya why i was in this field..

tekad..i want to be nerd student..
macam that guy ni..hehe

tapi x nak jadi camni..scary kot..

tapi kalo mcm kat bwh ni....mmg x tau nak ckp ap





Tuesday, August 30, 2011

bersediakah diriku ini.......6.9.11

yeah..tjuk entry ni mmg plik but it was what i feel right now..if i'm ready to through it??6.9.2011(tarikh y akan bermulanya satu kehidupan baru bagiku)_
sebelum tu diri ini ingin mengucapkan buat pembaca setia blog ini

org sibuk bergembira di hari raya...tapi diriku tidak segembira itu
ye sy tkut..tkut sgt2 nk msuk degree.
tkut x dpt tempuh 5 thun ni dgn sebaiknya.,tkut x dpt cacth up pelajaran dgn sepantasnya..tkut x dpt jadi doktor yang baik (bcoz i'm lalai person)..tkut ssh nk catch up or kejar lecturer ngajar memandangkan hmpir 50% lecturer in uitm is foreigner(so 4me experience that i had through during was really2 difficult 2 understand their english. )dri vietnam la,,iraq la..ssh nk fhm accent english diorg.bru blaja kt Malaysia dh rse cmtu.blom lg smbg blaja kt overseas..tkut ap lg ek?tkut nk berhadapan dgn shbt2 medic y mostly is 4flat during their matriculation or asasians..of course la diorg ni sgt2 bijaksana dan mle la ak akn merasa ingin memencilkan diri kerana merasakan tidak sebagus diorg..tkut ada sikap mlu ingin bertanya soalan memandangkan perasaan merndah diri akn menjadikan diriku sebegitu rupa (+ i really feel inferior to speaking so i will silent eventhought i'm not understand)..tkut perasaan malas akn datang during my life as medical student (sikap ni mmg kne bwk jauh2 trus campak kt laut)..tkut nnti tiba2 rse jiwa x sesuai ngan medic n feel want to drop (even now pn ak rse camtu..even be a doctor was my ambition since i was child but now i just felt regret why i'm not choose pharmacy or chemical engineering ke becoz  i was really2 love chem even medic ada jugak chem tp medic more to bio)..kje pharmacist lg sng dri doc(huhuhu..perasaan ni mmg ak mhn agar dijauhkn sejauh-jauhnya)...tkut dgn life medical student n doctor y sibuk mgkin smpi x de mse tok family (kalo cmtu mmg ssh la kalo dh kwin i need to find my mr.right that was not a doc la kn..hehe)..terlalu byk sgt y diri ini takutkan...

.mggu dpn dah daftar dah.Alhamdulillah semua perkara y berkaitan dengan urusan pendaftaran mmg dah siap..cme diri ini je yang blom lg bersedia dari segi mental n fizikal
cdgnye cti sebulan ni nak gnekan mse sebaik-baiknya mencari ap y sbnrnya ak nak dalam hidup ni..but i'm not found the answer..i got confius from day to day.lack of confident if i can do it..ohhh very2 serabut tp x diluahkan pada mak ngan abah..sebab diorg sgt2 memberi harapan setingginya pada anak yang sulung ni untuk menjadi contoh pada adik2..bukan sahaja ibubapa tapi makcikpakcik "pecah tradisi family..x de spe lg amik medic ni tau ko je"..,sepupu-sepapat n x juga sahabat handai y dri dlu lg telah mendoakan ak untuk menjadi seorang doktor....................

why i choose medic??honestly i dont know the answer...
msih igt lg during mmg regular question that asked by doc that conduct us..seriously i hate this question becoz i really dont know why i choose this field..when they answer is like this
"i want to be Obstesricts n Gynaecologist becoz i want to increase population of woman in this field"
"doctor is noble job"(this answer is regular answer
"saya nak jadi doctor muslimah y bukan saja pakar dalam ilmu perubatan tapi mempunyai ilmu y tinggi dlm bidang agama"
"i hve my own reason "hahaha..terdiam doc this is not my answer groupmate..he will give the same answer whwn doctor asking us..simple and short..xdela doc tu nk trus lbih tye or menjatuhkan semangat sbb dah terang2 ckp it was privacy answer only me and Allah knows
"i love study about human medic is the right course 4 me"
"i want to help people n cure them"
"i choose this field becoz sake of my family n i hope can cure them when they're sick"
"gaji doctok byk"hehe..yeke??kalo keje kat hospital swasta btoi tp kalo kerjaan...tu i dont know.but what i know starting for HO is about 3K..but is it berbaloi dgn mse kerja y membebankan di hospitall.huh.x dpt nk bayangkan ( i know i really demand..i t was not good 4 me in future..y pnting rezeki y halal di jalan Allah..)
there was too many answer..some answer i create on my own and the answer is not same as deep in my tok bg jwpn y terbaik pd doc2 y bertanya..ak mmg perlu jawapan y meyakinkan eventhough i confius why???why???why???i just found medic is intersting n byk tgk movie or drma that related with doctor's life..

tapi..y sebenar-benarnya dri hti ni..reason ak choose thi field becoz of my grandmother..dye skit menghidap barah payudara..ble tgk dye tggung kesakitan mmg ak akn rse kn bgus kalo ak ada ilmu n blh tlg.mmg ak rse bersemangat nk blaja sgguh2 time tu sbb nk amik arwah opah dah xde..dye meninggal time ak asasi dlu(tahun lepas)n ak mmg x sempat nak tgk or jaga dye.. berbakti buat kli terakhir.cme just sempat jaga sekejap time dye msuk ward kebetulan time tu cuti pertengahan mmg terkilan sbb x dpt nk tgk arwah wat kli terakhir(menagis-nangis ak dlm train ketika otw nk blik kg ble mak call n ckp opah dah dikebumikan),xsempat nk cium dye wat kli terakhir..n dye x sempat n tgk ak jd doc..
sejak tu ak mmg ad skit pth semangat la nk amik medic..

n now ak mmg tgh cri jwpn sebnar-bnrnye..whether is it this field is really2 right 4 me..becoz now i just felt not deserve,,rmi lg org kat luar sana y ak still kutkan hti kuatkan semangat y Allah sentiasa tahu apakah yang terbaik buat hambanya..mungkin ada hikmah y ak mmg x nmpk skang ni n ak akn nmpk di kemudian hri..Allah takkan bebankan seseorg tu di luar kemampuannya..ak sgt yakin dgn itu..y penting sekarang ni aku kne lakukan terbaik..beljar bersungguh2 dan selalu niatkan diri ini "ak amik medic sbb Allah"..insyaAllah semua akan berjalan lancar apabila kita niat lakukan sebab Allah..Allah sentiasa ada dan menolong hambanya yang berjuang di jalanNya..ak mmg tkut jika ak jadi doc y kurang ilmu agamaNya..ak mengharapkan ak bukan sahaja boleh merawt patient nnti tp dpt berdakwah....sbb sgt luas jln berdakwah apabila menjadi seorang doktor,,

ak jmpe kte2 ni dri blog seorang pelajar perubatan....
Kata-kata nasihat daripada Dr.Hamdi Mas’ud dalam kitabnya Daur at-Tobib al-Muslim fi nasyri Ta’alim al-Islam bermaksud:
“Adapun bagaimanakah cara untuk seseorang doktor itu membawa pesakitnya ke jalan menuju Allah ketika melaksanakan tugasan dirinya.. hendaklah berusaha dalam kadar waktu yang mengizinkan untuk memasukkan ke dalam benak fikiran dan hati pesakit akan kefahaman Islam yang sebenar… bertitik-tolak dari kefahaman Islam yang sebenar inilah, seseorang doktor itu mampu mendekatkan pesakitnya akan hakikat Tauhid dengan menyatakan bahawa segala perkara yang terjadi adalah di bawah kekuasaan Allah.”

akhir kata..buat y membaca..doakan saya dapat menjadi seorang pelajar perubatan yang berjaya dan tidak pernah kenal erti putus asa...:)i hope i really2 can do it..nk jd student y slalu dpt A*..amiin..insyaAllah

Thursday, August 25, 2011

....i have a dream...

I have a dream,
Even if I’m thrown away or ripped to shreds
Deep in my heart I have a dream as precious as gem
If by chance, without a reason,
Somebody ridicules me behind my back
I should be patient I would wait just for that day.
As you always worry, You say that foolish dreams are poisonous.
Just like a book that tells us about the end of the world
There’s the reality that we can’t turn back already

Yes I have a dream.
I believe in that dream
Please watch over me
Standing in front of that cold wall called fate
I can firmly face it
One day I will pass over that wall And be able to fly As high as the sky
This heavy thing called life can’t tie me down
At the end of my life,
on the other day that I can smile, let’s be together

Yes I have a dream. I believe in that dream
Please watch over me
Standing in front of that cold wall called fate
I can firmly face it
One day I will pass over that wall And be able to fly As high as the sky
This heavy thing called life can’t tie me down
At the end of my life, on the other day that I can smile, let’s be together

Yes I, I have a dream I believe in that dream.
Please watch over me
Standing in front of that cold wall called fate.
I can firmly face it One day I will pass over that wall And be able to fly As high as the sky
This heavy thing called life can’t tie me down
At the end of my life, on the other day that I can smile, let’s be together

langkahku yang masih belum pasti.......


Semalam aku kelukaan,
kecewa kehampaan,
mencalar ketabahan,
mimpi yang sering ku harapkan,
menjadi kenyataan,
namun tak kesampaian.

Inginku hentikan langkah ini,
bagaikan tak mampu untuk ku bertahan,
semangat tenggelam,
lemah daya,
haruskah aku mengalah,
namun jiwaku berbisik,
inilah dugaan.

Dan langkahku kini terbuka,
pada hikmah dugaan,
uji keimanan (menguji keimanan),
tak dilontarkanNya ujian,
di luar kekuatan,
setiap diri insan.

Pimpinlah diriku,
tuk bangkit semula,
meneruskan langkah,
perjuangan ini,
cekalkan hati dan semangatku,
kurniakan ketabahan, agar mimpi jadi nyata,
padaMu ku meminta.

Daku mohon agung kudratMu,
wahai Tuhan yang satu,
segalanya dariMu.

jauhkan aku dari kekeliruan..
ku mengharapkan ini adalah terbaik buatku
sesungguhnya aku ingin sentiasa berada di jalan keredhaanmu Ya Allah