Monday, September 12, 2011 ad gak..first day jd medical student
one of the lecturer said to me "bru masuk boleh la ketawa..lepas tu...."menangis la kot..huhu
terdiam pun ada..x tau nak ckp ap
but im nervous..but at the same time i have the passion to study
ble tgk buku2 medic..rse sgt bersemangat...
but when tgk module guide y bru dpt
im asking myself..can i??
byk nye..we need to cover all the short time
and we have only a few days holiday whether mid sem or holiday sem
really2 hectic life
now i just want positive word from senior or doctors
im tired hear negative word
"once u enter medical..u hve to ready to be busy person "
im scared hear this word and i dont know why
n our schedule from 8.ooa.m -5.oo pm..weekdays 
nasib baik first week x start lecturer lg..just introduction to medicine
about buku lg pening..byk sgt2..n tebal2..
im think im lucky bcoz have JPA scholar
kalo tidak hbis duit mak bapak semata-mata nk hntr ank dye jadi doc
jadi ingatlah
berbakti pada bangsa
belajar smpi habis 5 thun...smpi jadi specialist..insyaALLAH


  1. being med student doesnt mean u hv to s2dy all the tyme.juz enjoy it!n pasal buku tebal2 tu jgn risau lah.nt bukan sume guna pon.hehe:)

  2. hehehe..thanks sis..sila beri tunjuk ajr ye..ari tu lpe nk bg tau akak sy dh jd junior akk lg skali...hehe:)

  3. hehe~nampak akak tegur2 la eh.kdg akak tak perasan sgt.ramai kn.hehe need any help juz roger2 me.takyah la malu2.rilex sudaa :P

  4. hahaha..ok2:)..nnti sy cri akak..bleh la nnti shre ap2 ngan bdk bru ni..hehe
