Thursday, February 23, 2012


whats wrong with me??mm..litle upset..kalo org bace msti nk tau,,whats going on una??huhu,,let it be secret k..
what i want to tell really sad today..yela tiba2 ada org tu ckp mcm tu kat kita..spe x sedey..
pernah x korang rasa sedih..pastu rasa nak lari blaja overseas..kalau la right now i dapat offer sambung overseas..mmg terus terima la,,x yah nak fikir dua kali.. bila dah dok jauh..x de la bnde or kenangan y boleh ingatkan pasal dia kan..lepas tu msti insyaAllah boleh lupa terus..mmg nk la lupa..i trying it harder k,org cakap mmg senang..yang mengalami ni,,hanya Allah y tau..why i kept thinking about him??try so much to forget being difficult from day 2 day.cant away being jealous..i dont know..its about feeling,,im just can be patient..